Day 25-You Know You’re a Whelping Mom when…..

Today was a typical day in the whelping box and play area, with the second day of feeding food and increased playtime. I took quite a few pictures throughout the day – so, rather than be repetitive and boring I decided I would put some of the pictures in this blog post along with the things help you know you’re a whelping mom!

  • You wake up in the middle of the night thinking of ways to rearrange the x-pens throughout your house to give the puppies more play space…..
  • You happily sleep on a deflating air mattress for the first 3 weeks because you know that you won’t sleep anyways if you are further away from them than the whelping room(and you joyfully wake up in the middle of the night to stare at them in amazement, forgetting how tired you really are)….
  • You see a spider (which you are terrified of) but you are worried more about the spider getting to the puppies than you are of your own fear and you chase it down to get it out of their room….
  • Your “big shopping day” entails picking up potty pads, dog treats, and puppy toys and you don’t care(or maybe don’t even notice!)that you didn’t GO to a store that would be for you!
  • You spend time researching on the internet about puppy safety, quality ingredients of treats that keep the momma dog healthy,puppy development stages, brain games for puppies, and the best cleaning supplies to use with puppies….
  • Your hope for your evening is maybe getting JUST enough housework done so that you can design a new puppy toy, sew yet another puppy idea or come up with another photo op!
  • Even though crib bumpers are no longer allowed for human babies, you are thrilled that they are now basically free so you can put the bumper on the x-pens to keep the draft out of the puppy play area…
  • You put a baby monitor in your room so you can sleep better, knowing you will hear the puppies if they need you during the night…..(I’m pretty sure that Sugar is the only thing they ever “need” at this stage, but don’t burst my bubble!)
  • Your day is consumed with locating cute “props” for puppy pictures, and your house is filling with useless objects that you just KNOW will create a killer photo…..but because the puppy activity level is increasing on an incredible pace the odds of them sitting still long enough in ANY of the props is pretty low……
  • You refuse to go out without a puppy sitter-and you won’t accept just ANY puppy sitter. (But you stop JUST short of asking them for references….)
  • You change your style of music playing in your house to the type of music “that puppies would like”.  What type of music do puppies even like?????? Seriously?
  • You warm up their puppy food because it makes YOU feel better-“puppies can’t eat cold dog food” you hear the voice in your head telling you…..
  • You can’t imagine anything better than sitting on a damp floor pad, in your jogging pants, in a messy house-and just holding a puppy.

    Can you say MESSY?????


    They are happy campers with their new food source!


    Yellow was a ham today, enticing me to take some pics of him 🙂


    Dozing off……


    I love Yellow’s face!


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